Financial Risk And Supply Chain Analysis

Identify and assess the financial risks to which they are exposed, in order to make informed decisions and reduce the likelihood and impact of risks. The service is carried out through a systematic methodology and specialized technological tools.

Our Services:

We safeguard the company from substantial financial losses by focusing on optimizing profits and minimizing the risk of capital loss. To achieve this, we identify and manage existing financial risks, including market, credit, and liquidity risks.

Managing the supply chain enables increasing competitiveness and enhancing the company’s logistical responsiveness to its customers. In our practice, AB&V works to improve efficiency and cost optimization to mitigate losses within the processes and among the suppliers that are fundamental parts of the supply chain.

With the aim of avoiding operational disruptions and unexpected operational losses, we identify and manage risks through negotiations in the procurement of suitable insurance coverage. This allows for adequate coverage of assets and other factors involved in the company’s operations.